BATT! ★ it/he ★ 18...
Hello!! My name's Batt, and I'm just another netizen. :D I love drawing, movies, music, video games, horror, zoology, speculative biology, taxidermy, heraldry, weird little cryptids, collecting dumb things, and fucking around in places I shouldn't be. I really love talking but I've got crazy anxiety so I often don't... how unfortunate! This website will hopefully be a nice place to open up more. Just yellin into the void. Um, I never know what to write in "about me"s... In a way this whole site is an "about me", you know?
1) time and date u started this?
03/12/25, 9:01PM
3) opinions on musicals?
i haven't seen very many but the ones that i have seen i've enjoyed immensely :^) cats 1998 forever!!!!!!
4) favorite snack?
depends... cheez-its are a good default though
6) favorite pokemon?
the whole bulbasaur line has been tied for first for a long time but i also LOVE xurkitree. and plenty others but i'll limit myself for now
7) mario kart main?
lemmy koopa 💪
9) do you laugh at youtube poops?
i don't often watch ytps but yeah. i love ytpmvs especially cuz the effort is crazy
10) are you listening to music right now?
no but ive got a thousand miles by vanessa carlton stuck in my head for some reason
11) favorite shape?
very wonky pointy star (drawn without the criss-crossing lines)
12) do you believe in astrology?
not really :[
13) do you believe in the occult?
well, i'd like to!
14) opinions on vocaloid?
makes me feel like an old man when i listen to any of it but i do dabble!
15) would you ever want to be a rockstar?
noo i've got the nastiest stage fright
16) do you easily get stressed?
17) what is/was your favorite class in high school?
favorite subject? zoology. favorite class? art. my zoology teacher sucked.
18) what pokemon type would you be? dual types are allowed lol
bug/psychic, maybe? definitely some kind of bug dual-type!
20) favorite html tag?
img or my poor sweet deprecated marquee
21) are you religious?
no, but i was raised mormon -_-;;
22) opinions on nightcore?
i was never super into nightcore as a preteen online but it's a fun little corner on youtube :D
23) did you go through any major phase? (emo, goth, weeaboo, etc)
basically any time i tried to confine myself to one "-core" aesthetic.
24) are you good at drawing?
i'd like to think so!
25) do you crack your joints?
very often!!!
26) do you read visual novels?
not a lot of them but i am big into ace attorney and ghost trick. i've previously dabbled in...others...[shivers]
27) can you sew?
not any better than, like, the base level.
28) can you cook?
i can, but i don't very often...it's a real hassle.
29) most expensive thing you've bought?
2014 iam8bit razputin aquato plush off of ebay. never again will i spend so much money on something so silly. but i don't regret it even a little.
30) opinions on cosplay?
cool!!! i haven't done it myself but i feel like it'd be a fun project one day.
32) are you a dramatic person?
i like to ham up my reactions to mundane things for the bit, if that's what you're asking
33) what emoticon do you use most?
:] :D :^) XP X) T_T x_X o_O
😞 😭 🫡 😦 😖 😒 ☝️ 🪳 🎉 💯 ‼️ 💥
34) can a miracle certainly occur?
it's hard to be certain of anything!
35) would you let a vampire suck ur blood?
only if they were polite about it
36) do you have a celebrity crush?
i mean there's been pleeeenty of actors in movies n crap that i've thought were attractive but i really don't care enough to actually KEEP UP with any celebrities.
37) do you like snow?
it's fun! i haven't seen a lot of snow so i don't have a very in-depth answer to this.
38) were you really into greek mythology as a kid?
39) what are some things you could competently deliver a speech on?
psychonauts. well, okay, maybe not competently, but it'd be passionate for sure!
40) are you good at spelling?
shure am
42) do you think there's going to be a robot takeover?
not really a takeover like an apocalypse, but a takeover, like, robots will slowly replace us? it's happening now, man!
44) would you be an angel or devil?
as much as i'd like to sit here and convince you i'd be a devil i'd 100% be an angel. kicks a rock. lameee...
46) do you like licorice?
red licorice, sure! black licorice is sort of evil though sorry
47) whats one thing you cant stand that everyone else loves?
idk. star wars? the mcu? yeah.
48) what books did you like as a kid?
49) can you play any instruments?
i used to play the french horn!
51) do you believe in reincarnation?
kind of. it'd be really cool!
53) have you been to another continent?
55) favorite vegetable?
universally: broccoli; situationally: brussels sprouts.
56) whats something stupid that scared the shit outta you as a kid?
the album cover for the barenaked ladies' album "stunt" :( and the rake
58) would you rather be a ghost or a vampire?
ghost and it's not even close
59) what do you fear most?
heights and depths.
60) do you sleep with any plushies?
no, but i have a whole bunch scattered around my room's shelves.
61) what hobby do you just not understand?
doing puzzles.
62) do you like the taste of alcohol?
noooooooooo X(
64) which deadly sin best fits you?
sloth probably
65) which of your physical features do you like the most?
my hands and fingers are hypermobile so that's pretty cool.
66) are your ears pierced?
yep! and they're shitty and infected because i got them done at claires :D
68) where do you buy your clothes?
thrift stores, usually. you never know what you'll find!
72) what is the worst chore to do?
specifically the part of putting the dishes away where you need to sort through all the utensils
73) what did your parents almost name you?
"isabella". hmm.
76) what do you want your last words to be?
i always thought that starting a sentence about an important secret and then dying before you finish it was a great bit
77) when did you first regularly start going online?
dude like 2012? 2011?
80) would you fuck a clone of yourself? you're not allowed to kill yourself.
no but we could go hold hands and frolick in a field
81) what do you use to listen to music?
spotify usually but i've really been meaning to dump all my songs onto my old ipod.
82) whats the biggest city you've been to?
los angeles! i lived there for a good few years and then moved to a different spot in california at the end of 3rd grade.
84) what web browser do you use?
85) are you allergic to kitty cats???????????
thank god im not!!!!
86) do you like energy drinks?
not really. they don't do much for me in the "energy" department and they don't taste great either... my favorite out of the ones i've tried, though, is white monster energy!
87) would ever spend money on tf2 unusuals/csgo skins/gacha pulls/etc
sighs yea... hangs head in shame
88) when do you usually go to bed?
it's complicated
89) how often do you wash your hair?
whenever i remember to
90) would you download a car?
91) what was your favorite show as a kid?
wild kratts / phineas and ferb / gravity falls
92) whats the silliest hat you own?
this, probably
94) do you make OCs?
95) whats the goofiest thing you do when completely alone?
make derek zoolander faces at myself
96) do you like fireworks?
99) what genre of vidya gaems are you really good at? (fps, fightan, danmaku, racing, whatever)
i'm good at sniping people in fortnite and that's kinda it honestly X)
100) time and date you finished this?
03/12/25, 10:04PM
Korean BBQ
Arnold Palmer

Ice Cream
Mint Chip
You can't just ask me this question and expect a succinct answer... gun to my head I wouldn't be able to choose. It's impossible to hate any animal. It's impossible to dislike any animal, it's impossible to be NEUTRAL on any animal! Like, dude, I got dengue fever from a mosquito one time while I was on vacation and I was 1000% convinced I was gonna die in the airport on the way home but I still love mosquitoes. I've been attacked by seagulls before and I still love seagulls. Every animal has its place in the world and I love them all as much as one human could love anything. One thing to note, though, is that I'm more likely to bring up less well-known animals. I just love telling people about critters they haven't heard of before!! A fun one to introduce to new people was the axolotl, but now pretty much everyone knows what that is. I'm not sure what my "default strange animal" is now, to be honest - it really depends on your conversation partner's animal knowledge. Maybe they don't know that sharks are fish, it's happened to me and it can happen to you! Not that I'm looking down on people who don't know much about animals. The less you know the more I can tell you! If we're on the same wavelength it'll be fun for both of us. I could talk about this for longer and go on even more tangents but I'm sure you get the point. Slams head into wall (due to love). Thank u. But seriously.
Ok... Fav. Fearsome Critter?
Oh! Sidehill Gouger/Jackalope.
due 2 the frankly ridiculous page lag this full collection caused i need to put the rest elsewhere..... dunno where yet though. XP

Kill Me Now! - MGS2