Welcome, Websurfer!
Hello, and welcome to my little corner on the internet! As someone who usually only lurks online, I've wanted to make my own site for a long time. It'd just be nice to have my own space, tucked away from the crowded (and intimidating!) feeling of social media but not completely isolated, you know? I only really became confident enough in my coding abilities to actually do that in early 2025, after years of sporadic practice. I'm self-taught, coding-wise - I've spent countless hours hunched over my computer like a caveman trying to understand how any of this nonsense even works. And honestly, I'm still not excellent at it... so please excuse any messes you might come across! X) Enjoy your stay!
This website was made for a big stupid 3840x2400 screen on firefox. If you have the option to scroll the whole webpage, you may want to zoom out a little bit! There's also plenty of gifs, autoplay, and javascript. Just like this page! If you're fine looking at this one you'll probably be fine looking at the rest. :^)
also, here's my site's button. if you click on it, the embed code will be copied to your clipboard!